OtNE Archive Report

Overall time tracked Aircraft Type Operator Callsign Route. Initial
Time In Zone
29/06/2016: 23:36->23:58 G-TCDF [A321] Thomas Cook Airlines TCX6545 AYT-->NCL 37,025 1,825 245 23:54->23:58
29/06/2016: 23:36->23:54 G-FDZY [B738] Thomson Airways TOM90P PFO-->NCL 30,125 1,950 242 23:50->23:54
29/06/2016: 23:28->23:51 EI-ESN [B738] Ryanair RYR7654 38,000 23,200 303 23:41->23:47
29/06/2016: 23:30->23:47 G-GDFE [B733] Jet2 EXS014W NCL-->EMA 3,625 13,550 163 23:30->23:35
29/06/2016: 23:05->23:29 G-TCDO [A321] Thomas Cook Airlines TCX3877 DLM-->GLA 36,025 20,375 297 23:17->23:23
29/06/2016: 23:10->23:24 EI-DHT [B738] Ryanair RYR83KP NCL-->DUB 3,750 28,000 242 23:10->23:16
29/06/2016: 22:56->23:20 G-EZWS [A320] easyJet Airline EZY35BR FAO-->NCL 36,025 1,825 246 23:13->23:20
29/06/2016: 22:56->23:19 G-EZFK [A319] easyJet Airline EZY6812 36,050 21,450 298 23:07->23:13
29/06/2016: 22:48->23:13 G-FDZT [B738] Thomson Airways TOM6TM 32,375 2,050 246 23:07->23:13
29/06/2016: 22:39->23:10 EI-EGD [B738] Ryanair RYR2483 RIX-->LBA 38,025 6,750 165 22:54->23:02
29/06/2016: 22:40->22:59 G-EZDR [A319] easyJet Airline EZY94GF AMS-->EDI 38,025 16,350 322 22:49->22:56
29/06/2016: 22:11->22:43 SE-LPR [ATP] West Atlantic SWN028E ABZ-->EMA 15,000 13,750 157 22:14->22:37
29/06/2016: 22:13->22:37 EI-EVJ [B738] Ryanair RYR6241 NRN-->EDI 40,000 17,900 327 22:26->22:33
29/06/2016: 22:16->22:34 EI-DHT [B738] Ryanair RYR174 DUB-->NCL 22,925 2,200 245 22:30->22:34
29/06/2016: 22:12->22:33 G-EZFZ [A319] easyJet Airline EZY16CG MUC-->EDI 38,000 17,225 323 22:23->22:29
29/06/2016: 22:08->22:27 G-PRPA [DH8D] Flybe BEE328 24,000 24,000 347 22:15->22:19
29/06/2016: 21:54->22:14 G-EUXM [A321] British Airways SHT13L NCL-->LHR 3,100 27,025 148 21:54->21:59
29/06/2016: 21:57->22:14 G-TTOE [A320] British Airways SHT12T LHR-->NCL 28,475 1,900 245 22:09->22:14
29/06/2016: 21:56->22:12 A6-EGU [B773] Emirates Airline UAE26 GLA-->DXB 25,625 33,000 123 22:02->22:07
29/06/2016: 21:52->22:12 G-EUPO [A319] British Airways SHT18X LHR-->ABZ 30,025 23,600 354 22:01->22:06
29/06/2016: 21:44->22:08 PH-BGX [B737] KLM Royal Dutch Airlines KLM971 AMS-->NCL 36,000 2,175 256 22:04->22:08
29/06/2016: 21:44->22:05 G-EZAI [A319] easyJet Airline EZY570 BRS-->NCL 28,000 1,850 246 22:01->22:05
29/06/2016: 21:39->22:00 EI-RJY [RJ85] CityJet AFR1558 CDG-->NCL 29,000 1,900 246 21:56->22:00
29/06/2016: 21:31->21:54 G-MAJW [JS41] Eastern Airways 16,975 9,725 - 21:37->21:43
29/06/2016: 21:32->21:51 G-EUOH [A319] British Airways SHT18H LHR-->ABZ 36,000 19,875 357 21:40->21:45
29/06/2016: 21:29->21:48 G-EZFA [A319] easyJet Airline EZY24XC GVA-->NCL 32,475 1,825 245 21:43->21:48
29/06/2016: 21:30->21:47 G-PRPD [DH8D] Flybe BEE9JB NCL-->EXT 3,275 25,000 013 21:33->21:35
29/06/2016: 21:14->21:37 EI-FXD [AT43] FedEx Feeder ABR1CL GLA-->NCL-->CDG 6,300 23,000 184 21:18->21:20
29/06/2016: 21:22->21:35 PH-KZI [F70] KLM cityhopper KLM1539 AMS-->MME 17,775 1,725 227 21:31->21:35
29/06/2016: 21:12->21:29 PH-BGA [B738] KLM Royal Dutch Airlines KLM49J AMS-->GLA 38,000 24,000 298 21:19->21:25
29/06/2016: 21:01->21:23 EI-FRM [B738] Ryanair RYR22RH MAN-->RYG 15,025 35,000 044 21:09->21:13
29/06/2016: 21:05->21:22 EC-MHR [B463] PAN Air TAY026H EDI-->LGG 20,700 27,100 120 21:10->21:17
29/06/2016: 21:00->21:13 G-RJXJ [E135] bmi regional BMR1108 BRU-->NCL 17,150 2,150 281 21:08->21:13
29/06/2016: 20:48->21:12 G-GDFZ [B738] Jet2 EXS544 LCA-->NCL 36,025 1,950 248 21:06->21:12
29/06/2016: 20:44->21:08 PH-BXG [B738] KLM Royal Dutch Airlines KLM1293 AMS-->EDI 36,000 19,925 299 20:57->21:04
29/06/2016: 20:45->21:05 G-GDFY [B738] Jet2 EXS916A LCA-->GLA 36,000 21,475 298 20:52->20:59
29/06/2016: 20:43->21:03 EC-LQL [A320] Vueling Airlines VLG9345 EDI-->ORY 25,075 37,025 121 20:46->20:51
29/06/2016: 20:40->21:01 G-GDFD [B738] Jet2 EXS798 PFO-->EDI 38,000 19,400 309 20:50->20:57
29/06/2016: 20:42->20:59 SE-RJX [B737] Scandinavian Airlines System SAS4608 MAN-->OSL 20,675 39,000 044 20:48->20:54
29/06/2016: 20:35->20:57 G-GDFW [B738] Jet2 EXS90GP PFO-->GLA 36,000 22,175 295 20:46->20:53
29/06/2016: 20:35->20:56 TF-FIW [B752] Icelandair ICE592 KEF-->MXP 39,000 39,000 126 20:45->20:51
29/06/2016: 20:37->20:55 G-FLBB [DH8D] Flybe BEE4CX NCL-->SOU 3,875 23,000 190 20:43->20:43
29/06/2016: 20:32->20:54 G-EUXM [A321] British Airways SHT12Q LHR-->NCL 28,000 1,925 245 20:48->20:54
29/06/2016: 20:33->20:54 G-ECOM [DH8D] Flybe BEE7TE EMA-->GLA 15,025 22,750 -
29/06/2016: 20:21->20:47 G-MAJJ [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE32Z ABZ-->EMA 16,975 17,000 174 20:39->20:39
29/06/2016: 20:14->20:44 G-EZDR [A319] easyJet Airline EZY81GH EDI-->AMS 25,100 27,625 108 20:19->20:23
29/06/2016: 20:22->20:42 G-PRPD [DH8D] Flybe BEE2KN EXT-->SOU 24,000 1,850 020 20:39->20:42
29/06/2016: 20:21->20:39 G-MAJA [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE84R CWL-->NCL 19,275 2,150 - 20:35->20:39
29/06/2016: 20:17->20:39 G-JEDU [DH8D] Flybe BEE6AL LCY-->ABZ 23,975 23,975 347 20:28->20:31
29/06/2016: 20:13->20:35 G-LGNP [SB20] Flybe 28,000 28,000 345 20:23->20:24
29/06/2016: 19:48->20:35 OO-SKY C25A Abelag Aviation SA AAB608 34,725 28,625 168 19:52->19:59
29/06/2016: 20:12->20:31 G-JEDR [DH8D] Flybe BEE8TX ABZ-->MAN 22,975 14,750 154 20:20->20:25
29/06/2016: 20:08->20:28 G-MAJC [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE91LK ABZ-->LBA 17,000 8,550 156 20:12->20:19
29/06/2016: 20:21->20:22 G-MAJT [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE39F ABZ-->NCL 2,375 2,000 163 20:21->20:22
29/06/2016: 20:17->20:18 G-NEAU [EC35] National Police Air Service 1,200 1,300 - 20:17->20:18
29/06/2016: 19:59->20:17 TF-FIT [B752] Icelandair ICE504 KEF-->AMS 39,000 39,000 127 20:05->20:10
29/06/2016: 20:02->20:17 G-RJXH [E145] bmi regional BMR1807 BRS-->ABZ 36,000 36,000 356 20:10->20:12
29/06/2016: 20:03->20:16 4O-MNE [LJ45] Government of Montenegro 4OMNE 4,950 32,900 149 20:09->20:11
29/06/2016: 20:15->20:16 EI-FXD [AT43] FedEx Feeder ABR1CL GLA-->NCL-->CDG 3,700 2,825 109 20:16->20:16
29/06/2016: 19:54->20:14 G-EZBJ [A319] easyJet Airline EZY873 LGW-->ABZ 38,025 27,425 351 20:02->20:07
29/06/2016: 19:53->20:13 EI-EVJ [B738] Ryanair RYR48WY EDI-->NRN 25,200 37,000 122 20:00->20:05
29/06/2016: 19:47->20:10 G-GDFS [B738] Jet2 EXS722 LCA-->EDI 38,000 17,925 309 19:58->20:05
29/06/2016: 19:49->20:06 G-LEAX [C56X] London Executive Aviation LNX53AX 32,000 29,125 338 19:56->20:00
29/06/2016: 19:50->20:01 G-BZOG [D328] Loganair LOG62AP EDI-->NWI 25,000 25,000 093 19:56->20:01
29/06/2016: 19:25->19:51 EI-FRM [B738] Ryanair RYR3225 RYG-->MAN 38,000 15,350 194 19:37->19:45
29/06/2016: 19:42->19:45 G-CELY [B733] Jet2 EXS62J NCL-->EDI 5,250 12,000 302 19:42->19:44
29/06/2016: 19:06->19:37 G-PRPC [DH8D] Flybe BEE6LD LCY-->EDI 24,000 21,725 -
29/06/2016: 19:13->19:37 G-FLBB [DH8D] Flybe BEE9UF BHX-->BHD 24,000 1,975 - 19:30->19:37
29/06/2016: 19:23->19:31 EI-FAU [AT76] Aer Lingus Regional STK7NC NCL-->DUB 3,075 14,000 252 19:23->19:27
29/06/2016: 19:07->19:29 LY-VEN [A320] Thomas Cook Airlines TCX6552 NCL-->DLM 3,200 33,300 151 19:07->19:14
29/06/2016: 19:05->19:27 A6-EGU [B773] Emirates Airline UAE25 DXB-->GLA 38,000 23,125 299 19:16->19:22
29/06/2016: 19:05->19:27 G-TCDE [A321] Thomas Cook Airlines TCX14UV NCL-->FUE 2,800 34,575 106 19:07->19:12
29/06/2016: 18:55->19:17 G-MEDG [A321] British Airways SHT18E LHR-->ABZ 34,000 25,900 353 19:06->19:11
29/06/2016: 18:54->19:13 SE-RJX [B737] Scandinavian Airlines System SAS4609 OSL-->MAN 30,400 17,775 193 19:00->19:08
29/06/2016: 18:46->19:10 G-JECX [DH8D] Flybe BEE6EY MAN-->ABZ 15,600 23,975 - 18:58->19:02
29/06/2016: 18:46->19:08 G-CDEA [SB20] Eastern Airways EZE78H NWI-->ABZ 28,000 28,025 346 18:54->18:58
29/06/2016: 18:54->19:06 G-MAJU [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE67L ABZ-->MME 14,675 2,000 147 19:02->19:06
29/06/2016: 17:07->19:04 ZZ333 [A332] Royal Air Force TARTN32 (UK Tanker Flt) 23,000 17,000 138 17:15->17:19
29/06/2016: 18:27->18:51 D-AIRP [A321] Lufthansa DLH965 EDI-->FRA 30,050 35,000 115 18:32->18:37
29/06/2016: 18:29->18:48 G-CELY [B733] Jet2 EXS5ER PMI-->NCL 25,475 1,925 247 18:43->18:48
29/06/2016: 18:38->18:44 EI-FAU [AT76] Aer Lingus Regional STK6NC DUB-->NCL 5,675 1,975 247 18:38->18:44
29/06/2016: 18:35->18:41 G-XDEA [DA42] Diamond Executive Aviation WKT14 2,400 5,375 - 18:36->18:41
29/06/2016: 18:23->18:39 G-EZFZ [A319] easyJet Airline EZY39NL EDI-->MUC 23,900 36,950 116 18:27->18:33
29/06/2016: 18:19->18:38 G-JZHC [B738] Jet2 EXS82R RHO-->NCL 22,950 2,725 268 18:34->18:38
29/06/2016: 18:19->18:37 EI-EVJ [B738] Ryanair RYR30SJ BRE-->EDI 38,000 19,175 303 18:27->18:33
29/06/2016: 18:19->18:35 G-GDFT [B733] Jet2 EXS72H EFL-->EDI 33,975 19,325 308 18:25->18:32
29/06/2016: 18:14->18:35 OH-LKR [E190] Finnair FIN938 MAN-->HEL 15,525 37,000 -
29/06/2016: 18:13->18:35 G-EZAJ [A319] easyJet Airline EZY59GV NCL-->BRS 2,825 37,000 158 18:13->18:19
29/06/2016: 18:07->18:30 G-MAJJ [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE81LK LBA-->ABZ 7,275 17,975 283 18:18->18:21
29/06/2016: 18:02->18:28 G-PRPA [DH8D] Flybe BEE4GY BHX-->ABZ 23,975 21,025 - 18:18->18:21
29/06/2016: 17:58->18:25 G-MAJB [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE16W HUY-->ABZ 6,200 19,975 341 18:13->18:18
29/06/2016: 17:48->18:25 OY-KBR [A319] Scandinavian Airlines System SAS541 CPH-->MAN 37,975 13,725 205 18:11->18:19
29/06/2016: 18:05->18:22 G-BZOG [D328] Loganair LOG26PA NWI-->EDI 26,000 25,825 324 18:14->18:22
29/06/2016: 18:05->18:22 G-CELI [B733] Jet2 EXS85GC NCL-->ALC 2,750 33,025 162 18:05->18:11
29/06/2016: 18:20->18:21 G-MAJC [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE94C NCL-->ABZ 4,025 5,525 - 18:20->18:20
29/06/2016: 17:58->18:14 G-MAJA [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE95V NCL-->CWL 3,225 19,000 207 17:58->17:59
29/06/2016: 17:29->18:07 252 [CN35] Irish Air Corps IRL252 (Irish Military) 18,000 14,000 - 17:46->17:55
29/06/2016: 17:42->18:07 PH-BGT [B737] KLM Royal Dutch Airlines KLM30W NCL-->AMS 2,775 33,625 113 17:42->17:50
29/06/2016: 17:33->18:03 G-EZFK [A319] easyJet Airline EZY73BC GLA-->SPU 29,200 36,975 119 17:37->17:42
29/06/2016: 17:30->18:01 G-XDEA [DA42] Diamond Executive Aviation WKT14 10,000 1,850 - 17:50->18:01
29/06/2016: 17:34->17:59 G-EZFA [A319] easyJet Airline EZY53JC NCL-->GVA 2,750 39,000 157 17:34->17:41
29/06/2016: 16:53->17:58 G-FRAU [FA20] Cobham Aviation Services WRTHOG82 (FR Aviation) 2,050 1,675 - 17:02->17:58
29/06/2016: 16:51->17:54 G-FRAH [FA20] Cobham Aviation Services WRTHOG81 (FR Aviation) 1,850 1,775 161 16:51->17:54
29/06/2016: 17:25->17:50 G-FLBA [DH8D] Flybe BEE2HT EMA-->GLA 14,625 24,000 -
29/06/2016: 17:18->17:49 G-JECF [DH8D] Flybe BEE8DB SOU-->EDI 24,000 17,825 344
29/06/2016: 17:24->17:46 G-RJXJ [E135] bmi regional BMR1107 NCL-->BRU 3,450 35,000 109 17:26->17:30
29/06/2016: 17:15->17:42 LN-RCW [B736] Scandinavian Airlines System SAS2549 ARN-->MAN 37,975 15,150 188 17:28->17:36
29/06/2016: 17:22->17:39 TC-JVS [B738] Turkish Airlines THY1NA EDI-->IST 20,900 35,000 143 17:27->17:33
29/06/2016: 17:20->17:39 G-TCDE [A321] Thomas Cook Airlines TCX39MW LCA-->NCL 29,450 3,875 323 17:34->17:39
29/06/2016: 17:14->17:35 G-EUPH [A319] British Airways SHT13K NCL-->LHR 3,175 26,975 186 17:14->17:20
29/06/2016: 17:15->17:32 PH-BXT [B739] KLM Royal Dutch Airlines KLM42K GLA-->AMS 29,250 37,000 146 17:20->17:26
29/06/2016: 17:07->17:32 EI-RJR [RJ85] CityJet AFR1159 NCL-->CDG 2,750 29,000 163 17:07->17:15
29/06/2016: 17:11->17:31 G-TAWR [B738] Thomson Airways TOM44A EDI-->LCA 25,825 35,000 146 17:18->17:23
29/06/2016: 17:08->17:30 G-CELV [B733] Jet2 EXS594 ZTH-->NCL 29,475 3,875 359 17:27->17:30
29/06/2016: 16:40->17:29 D-BMAD [J328] British Airways SUS47U BLL-->MAN 30,000 12,500 242 16:54->17:14
29/06/2016: 17:15->17:27 PH-KZK [F70] KLM cityhopper KLM1536 MME-->AMS 1,800 28,450 119 17:16->17:17
29/06/2016: 17:10->17:24 G-MAJC [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE8BN BHX-->NCL 17,975 5,825 330
29/06/2016: 16:59->17:17 LY-VEN [A320] Thomas Cook Airlines TCX41CM FUE-->NCL 26,150 4,625 006 17:17->17:17
29/06/2016: 16:45->17:14 G-CDEA [SB20] Eastern Airways EZE77H ABZ-->NWI 27,025 25,075 158 16:54->17:02
29/06/2016: 16:43->17:11 G-NEAU [EC35] National Police Air Service 1,800 1,600 - 16:43->17:11
29/06/2016: 16:38->17:11 D-AILR [A319] Lufthansa DLH971 ABZ-->FRA 30,800 39,025 118 16:46->16:52
29/06/2016: 17:08->17:08 G-EZAJ [A319] easyJet Airline EZY84TR BFS-->NCL 4,450 4,450 038 17:08->17:08
29/06/2016: 16:55->17:06 G-EZWS [A320] easyJet Airline EZY98YA NCL-->FAO 2,725 19,975 235 16:55->17:01
29/06/2016: 16:33->17:06 G-ECOA [DH8D] Flybe 725 0 - 16:36->16:40
29/06/2016: 16:37->17:06 G-MAJJ [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE4717 ABZ-->LBA 17,000 6,850 - 16:46->16:50
29/06/2016: 16:08->17:05 ZF135 [TUCA] Royal Air Force LOP47 (UK Military) 6,775 2,925 - 17:04->17:05
29/06/2016: 16:40->17:03 EI-EGD [B738] Ryanair RYR88AV LBA-->RIX 7,400 35,025 069 16:46->16:52
29/06/2016: 16:47->17:02 EI-FMK [AT76] Aer Lingus Regional 867N 3,200 19,025 246 16:47->16:53
29/06/2016: 16:54->17:01 G-MAJA [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE95G ABZ-->NCL 14,450 5,525 184 17:01->17:01
29/06/2016: 16:39->17:00 OO-DWK [RJ1H] Brussels Airlines BEL99D EDI-->BRU 21,475 31,000 144 16:44->16:51
29/06/2016: 16:42->16:58 G-CELI [B733] Jet2 EXS6AZ ALC-->NCL 27,975 4,850 350 16:57->16:58
29/06/2016: 16:22->16:58 HA-LWX [A320] Wizz Air WZZ8YF RIX-->LPL 35,975 16,950 207 16:41->16:50
29/06/2016: 16:24->16:57 G-LGNP [SB20] Flybe BMR1315 NWI-->ABZ 20,650 23,575 348 16:45->16:45
29/06/2016: 16:34->16:56 G-MAJB [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE15W ABZ-->HUY 14,950 8,725 - 16:45->16:45
29/06/2016: 15:53->16:50 ZF264 [TUCA] Royal Air Force UZI02 (UK Military) 8,975 3,125 - 16:43->16:50
29/06/2016: 16:21->16:49 OH-LKR [E190] Finnair FIN6UP HEL-->MAN 38,000 13,000 - 16:31->16:40
29/06/2016: 16:18->16:47 G-FRAL [FA20] Cobham Aviation Services ZODIAC (FR Aviation) 28,625 1,600 102 16:40->16:47
29/06/2016: 16:22->16:45 PH-EZC [E190] KLM cityhopper KLM1289 AMS-->EDI 40,000 19,950 295 16:37->16:40
29/06/2016: 16:25->16:45 D-AIRP [A321] Lufthansa DLH5RX FRA-->EDI 36,025 18,900 312 16:34->16:40
29/06/2016: 16:30->16:44 G-SGRP A109 WA Developments Intl Ltd GSGRP (Fixed c/s) 2,900 3,475 - 16:44->16:44
29/06/2016: 15:52->16:41 G-NIAA BE20 Northern Ireland Air Ambulance CWY999E 3,175 34,900 149 15:56->16:06
29/06/2016: 16:24->16:37 G-FRAP [FA20] Cobham Aviation Services FRA72 (FR Aviation) 2,275 22,825 154 16:24->16:26
29/06/2016: 15:39->16:33 ZF377 [TUCA] Royal Air Force LOP58 (UK Military) 4,625 4,950 - 15:56->16:33
29/06/2016: 16:15->16:31 PH-BXM [B738] KLM Royal Dutch Airlines KLM1286 EDI-->AMS 24,475 39,000 139 16:20->16:25
29/06/2016: 16:12->16:29 G-EZFA [A319] easyJet Airline EZY17VD JER-->NCL 28,000 4,025 352 16:28->16:29
29/06/2016: 16:11->16:27 PH-KZK [F70] KLM cityhopper KLM15S AMS-->MME 26,175 1,700 228 16:21->16:27
29/06/2016: 15:55->16:24 G-MAJW [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE31Z EMA-->ABZ 15,350 17,975 351 16:15->16:21
29/06/2016: 16:07->16:23 G-JZHH [B738] Jet2 EXS515C BCL-->PFO 3,325 33,200 153 16:07->16:14
29/06/2016: 16:19->16:22 G-FDZU [B738] Thomson Airways TOM14G NCL-->NAP 12,975 25,150 106
29/06/2016: 15:19->16:21 ZF338 [TUCA] Royal Air Force LOP29 (UK Military) 5,150 3,025 - 15:19->16:21
29/06/2016: 15:53->16:18 PH-BGT [B737] KLM Royal Dutch Airlines KLM29W AMS-->NCL 38,000 3,725 341 16:17->16:18
29/06/2016: 15:59->16:17 G-MAJU [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE65L ABZ-->MME 15,000 1,925 149 16:13->16:17
29/06/2016: 15:50->16:16 G-EZUF [A320] easyJet Airline EZY32XU EDI-->BJV 21,075 35,000 136 15:55->16:01
29/06/2016: 15:42->16:08 G-EUUI [A320] British Airways SHT13J NCL-->LHR 1,375 25,325 157 15:42->15:50
29/06/2016: 15:39->16:03 G-GDFP [B738] Jet2 EXS18FY GLA-->RHO 27,925 35,000 124 15:45->15:51
29/06/2016: 15:16->16:02 ZF343 [TUCA] Royal Air Force LOP51 (UK Military) 6,550 4,650 198 15:56->16:02
29/06/2016: 15:39->16:02 EI-RJR [RJ85] CityJet AFR1158 CDG-->NCL 28,000 4,800 247 16:01->16:02
29/06/2016: 15:33->15:59 EI-EVJ [B738] Ryanair RYR3648 EDI-->BRE 26,300 37,000 111 15:39->15:44
29/06/2016: 15:36->15:58 G-EUPH [A319] British Airways SHT12N LHR-->NCL 27,975 4,225 000 15:57->15:58
29/06/2016: 15:51->15:55 EI-FMK [AT76] Aer Lingus Regional STK866N ORK-->NCL 8,850 3,875 323 15:55->15:55
29/06/2016: 15:38->15:50 G-RJXJ [E135] bmi regional BMR1134 SVG-->NCL 33,550 5,850 244
29/06/2016: 15:22->15:49 G-MAJC [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE7NB NCL-->BHX 4,225 16,975 174 15:30->15:32
29/06/2016: 15:22->15:47 G-EZFE [A319] easyJet Airline EZY59XM EDI-->VCE 25,025 39,025 120 15:28->15:34
29/06/2016: 15:21->15:46 G-EZDK [A319] easyJet Airline EZY49JL SXF-->GLA 38,000 20,600 291 15:34->15:40
29/06/2016: 15:20->15:43 G-EZWS [A320] easyJet Airline EZY12CV ALC--NCL 36,975 3,875 354 15:41->15:43
29/06/2016: 15:27->15:42 G-FDZX [B738] Thomson Airways TOM80K NCL-->KGS 3,325 32,600 151 15:27->15:34
29/06/2016: 15:11->15:38 EI-ESN [B738] Ryanair RYR46BF GLA-->CHQ 27,275 35,000 117 15:21->15:27
29/06/2016: 15:23->15:36 G-EZAJ [A319] easyJet Airline EZY26HB NCL-->BFS 3,075 22,000 252 15:24->15:27
29/06/2016: 15:20->15:36 G-GDFH [B733] Jet2 EXS5YD NCL-->TFS 6,050 31,975 271 15:20->15:26
29/06/2016: 15:05->15:35 G-EZON [A320] easyJet Airline EZY23HC EDI-->PFO 22,525 35,025 114 15:10->15:16
29/06/2016: 15:09->15:35 G-ECOA [DH8D] Flybe BEE7YP SOU-->NCL 24,000 3,950 - 15:34->15:35
29/06/2016: 15:27->15:33 ZA463 [TOR] Royal Air Force PS21 (UK Military) 16,200 3,050 062 15:31->15:33
29/06/2016: 15:18->15:30 ZA543 [TOR] Royal Air Force MON 14 (UK Military) 21,150 17,075 190 15:21->15:21
29/06/2016: 15:12->15:27 G-OOBG [B752] Thomson Airways TOM5VK GLA-->RHO 29,175 37,000 146 15:18->15:22
29/06/2016: 14:42->15:19 G-FRAL [FA20] Cobham Aviation Services ZODIAC (FR Aviation) 1,750 26,575 - 14:46->14:50
29/06/2016: 14:41->15:14 G-LGNP [SB20] Flybe BMR1314 ABZ-->NWI 27,000 21,875 146 14:49->14:57
29/06/2016: 14:41->15:11 G-CDEA [SB20] Eastern Airways EZE76H NWI-->ABZ 20,100 23,525 343 14:57->14:59
29/06/2016: 14:59->15:10 D-IMAX [C25A] Sylt Air AWU929 11,125 1,850 - 15:03->15:10
29/06/2016: 13:56->15:07 G-FRAP [FA20] Cobham Aviation Services TASMAN (FR Aviation) 2,375 2,000 - 14:44->15:07
29/06/2016: 14:41->15:07 G-CELO [B733] Jet2 EXS839 EDI-->VRN 25,775 33,000 113 14:45->14:51
29/06/2016: 14:46->15:05 OY-NCM [J328] British Airways SUS34 MAN-->GOT 13,750 31,000 065 14:57->15:01
29/06/2016: 14:59->15:02 A6-EBA [B773] Emirates Airline UAE28 GLA-->DXB 33,000 33,000 136 14:59->15:02
29/06/2016: 14:44->15:01 F-GZHM [B738] Transavia France TVF97SN EDI-->ORY 25,600 39,000 146 14:49->14:55
29/06/2016: 14:33->15:01 G-TCDF [A321] Thomas Cook Airlines TCX6544 NCL-->AYT 2,850 34,975 099 14:36->14:44
29/06/2016: 14:32->14:57 OY-KFI [CRJ9] Scandinavian Airlines System SAS544 NCL-->CPH 3,750 41,000 085 14:32->14:32
29/06/2016: 14:30->14:56 TC-JVS [B738] Turkish Airlines THY41L IST-->EDI 38,000 20,075 271 14:45->14:52
29/06/2016: 14:22->14:56 G-EZWW [A320] easyJet Airline EZY65NY CPH-->MAN 38,025 12,400 198 14:42->14:50
29/06/2016: 14:32->14:54 ZA543 [TOR] Royal Air Force MON 14 (UK Military) 17,125 4,525 277 14:53->14:54
29/06/2016: 14:28->14:51 G-TCDO [A321] Thomas Cook Airlines TCX3876 GLA-->DLM 26,750 35,000 115 14:34->14:36
29/06/2016: 14:34->14:48 G-JEDM [DH8D] Flybe BEE424 NCL-->BFS 3,550 20,050 251 14:38->14:38
29/06/2016: 14:21->14:44 G-EUUI [A320] British Airways SHT12G LHR-->NCL 28,000 3,400 340 14:41->14:44
29/06/2016: 14:28->14:44 G-MAJH [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE104 ABZ-->HUY 22,975 23,000 156 14:37->14:38
29/06/2016: 14:26->14:41 EI-EVT [B738] Ryanair RYR95SZ EDI-->CRL 20,200 37,000 139 14:32->14:38
29/06/2016: 14:14->14:37 G-OOBC [B752] Thomson Airways TOM4JB GLA-->PFO 27,650 37,000 117 14:21->14:26
29/06/2016: 14:06->14:30 PH-BXM [B738] KLM Royal Dutch Airlines KLM1285 AMS-->EDI 38,000 20,525 295 14:20->14:27
29/06/2016: 14:06->14:26 G-FDZT [B738] Thomson Airways TOM9AC NCL-->RHO 3,550 34,975 119 14:06->14:14
29/06/2016: 14:22->14:25 OE-GBE ASTR Tyrol Air Ambulance TYW733 1,325 26,300 266 14:22->14:21
29/06/2016: 13:58->14:21 N342AX [B763] Omni Air International WJA002 LGW-->YYC 32,000 34,000 -
29/06/2016: 13:58->14:19 A6-EBE [B773] Emirates Airline UAE36 NCL-->DXB 2,875 35,000 116 13:58->14:09
29/06/2016: 14:02->14:19 G-EZAJ [A319] easyJet Airline EZY24FW AGP-->NCL 21,250 2,900 250 14:15->14:19
29/06/2016: 13:51->14:16 G-EZTY [A320] easyJet Airline EZY31HY CPH-->EDI 38,000 18,700 300 14:07->14:11
29/06/2016: 13:51->14:11 G-GDFE [B733] Jet2 EXS53AM PMI-->NCL 28,050 2,025 245 14:05->14:11
29/06/2016: 13:46->14:06 G-EZFA [A319] easyJet Airline EZY94VN NCL-->JER 3,500 38,975 183 13:46->13:51
29/06/2016: 13:50->14:01 ZA459 [TOR] Royal Air Force JL11 (UK Military) 18,075 2,525 320 14:01->14:01
29/06/2016: 13:35->13:57 G-GDFH [B733] Jet2 EXS570 DBV-->NCL 33,125 1,900 245 13:53->13:57
29/06/2016: 13:38->13:51 G-JEDM [DH8D] Flybe BEE1CH BHD-->NCL 11,300 1,850 - 13:46->13:51
29/06/2016: 13:26->13:50 G-ECOT [DH8D] Flybe BEE4EV BHX-->EDI 17,025 21,325 -
29/06/2016: 13:26->13:50 PH-EZX [E190] KLM cityhopper KLM960 NCL-->AMS 4,375 32,950 099 13:30->13:30
29/06/2016: 13:19->13:41 OY-KFI [CRJ9] Scandinavian Airlines System SAS543 CPH-->NCL 38,000 2,375 257 13:41->13:41
29/06/2016: 13:17->13:40 G-FDZX [B738] Thomson Airways TOM9CK VRN-->NCL 28,000 2,075 252 13:37->13:40
29/06/2016: 13:10->13:38 02-1464 C30J United States Air Force RCH973 (US Military Supply) 26,225 0 140 13:19->13:26
29/06/2016: 13:19->13:33 G-FDZY [B738] Thomson Airways TOM41B NCL-->PFO 3,550 28,875 145 13:19->13:27
29/06/2016: 13:11->13:31 G-JZHH [B738] Jet2 EXS84AN ALC-->NCL 28,000 2,425 247 13:26->13:31
29/06/2016: 12:57->13:27 EI-FWA SU95 CityJet BCY102T 3,575 23,850 241 13:01->13:03
29/06/2016: 13:07->13:27 G-MAJC [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE2BN BHX-->ABZ 15,975 1,950 - 13:23->13:27
29/06/2016: 13:01->13:27 D-AIRH [A321] Lufthansa DLH963 EDI-->FRA 23,675 35,000 117 13:09->13:15
29/06/2016: 13:04->13:26 G-JECK [DH8D] Flybe BEE6PZ EMA-->GLA 19,525 24,025 -
29/06/2016: 12:59->13:24 G-FRAR [FA20] Cobham Aviation Services ZODIAC51 (FR Aviation) 19,100 1,575 - 13:17->13:24
29/06/2016: 12:58->13:23 D-AGWK [A319] Germanwings GWI4PE EDI-->CGN 26,050 35,025 117 13:03->13:08
29/06/2016: 12:59->13:21 G-FRAH [FA20] Cobham Aviation Services ZODIAC52 (FR Aviation) 22,175 1,750 - 13:10->13:21
29/06/2016: 12:56->13:20 G-TCDF [A321] Thomas Cook Airlines TCX35PJ PMI-->NCL 28,925 2,350 245 13:17->13:20
29/06/2016: 12:44->13:19 G-ECOH [DH8D] Flybe BEE6YD DND-->AMS 24,925 24,975 148 12:52->12:56
29/06/2016: 12:47->13:08 G-OOBG [B752] Thomson Airways TOM68D PMI-->GLA 40,000 27,925 -
29/06/2016: 12:42->13:07 G-CELY [B733] Jet2 EXS5JL NCL-->PMI 3,800 29,000 159 12:42->12:47
29/06/2016: 12:45->13:04 F-GRGP [E135] Equaflight Service AEH331 34,350 14,400 202 12:56->13:00
29/06/2016: 12:40->13:03 ZD744 [TOR] Royal Air Force JL22 (UK Military) 27,150 26,475 160 12:49->12:53
29/06/2016: 12:43->13:03 G-FRAU [FA20] Cobham Aviation Services MONICA (FR Aviation) 17,950 1,625 102 12:54->13:03
29/06/2016: 12:51->12:57 XX258 [HAWK] Royal Air Force AGGSOR02 (UK Military) 11,400 2,400 002 12:53->12:57
29/06/2016: 12:14->12:51 G-JEDV [DH8D] Flybe BEE1336 LCY-->EDI 23,650 20,325 -
29/06/2016: 12:26->12:47 G-FDZT [B738] Thomson Airways TOM3VG MAH-->NCL 27,975 2,000 248 12:43->12:47
29/06/2016: 12:21->12:44 TF-FIX [B753] Icelandair ICE554 KEF-->BRU 35,000 35,000 128 12:28->12:34
29/06/2016: 12:14->12:43 CS-DXV [C56X] NetJets Europe NJE177K 29,275 41,000 110 12:24->12:25
29/06/2016: 11:55->12:40 G-MAJW [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE26Z ABZ-->EMA 21,000 16,525 129 12:09->12:20
29/06/2016: 12:14->12:39 EI-EFY [B738] Ryanair RYR74TP BTS-->EDI 38,000 19,575 317 12:29->12:36
29/06/2016: 12:17->12:39 D-ACNQ [CRJ9] Eurowings EWG4ER NCL-->DUS 4,425 33,000 139 12:20->12:24
29/06/2016: 12:11->12:37 EI-RJR [RJ85] CityJet AFR1059 NCL-->CDG 2,575 29,000 156 12:11->12:17
29/06/2016: 12:14->12:35 EI-FOI [B738] Ryanair RYR408W NCL-->ALC 2,725 36,000 168 12:14->12:20
29/06/2016: 12:20->12:33 PH-EZX [E190] KLM cityhopper KLM959 AMS-->NCL 24,000 2,700 317 12:33->12:33
29/06/2016: 12:07->12:30 OO-DWH [RJ1H] Brussels Airlines BEL2062 EDI-->BRU 19,150 27,000 137 12:11->12:19
29/06/2016: 11:55->12:29 EI-ENB [B738] Ryanair RYR92KG VNO-->LPL 38,000 16,225 205 12:13->12:22
29/06/2016: 12:23->12:29 N650PA G650 Corporate N650PA 3,325 1,850 244 12:23->12:29
29/06/2016: 11:10->12:25 G-FRAP [FA20] Cobham Aviation Services WARTHOG (FR Aviation) 1,850 1,675 - 11:12->12:25
29/06/2016: 12:01->12:24 EI-FWA SU95 CityJet BCY9101 22,000 1,875 245 12:17->12:24
29/06/2016: 11:59->12:21 G-FRAU [FA20] Cobham Aviation Services MONICA (FR Aviation) 1,775 25,050 351 12:00->12:12
29/06/2016: 11:54->12:21 G-EZFZ [A319] easyJet Airline EZY72MZ KRK-->EDI 38,050 17,300 316 12:09->12:16
29/06/2016: 11:54->12:20 59-1474 [K35T] United States Air Force RCH337 (US Military Supply) 36,000 36,000 329 12:10->12:14
29/06/2016: 12:03->12:19 ZF204 [TUCA] Royal Air Force LOP56 (UK Military) 10,000 2,825 269 12:17->12:19
29/06/2016: 11:49->12:16 PH-EXH [E175] KLM cityhopper KLM930 INV-->AMS 35,150 37,000 123 11:56->12:03
29/06/2016: 11:53->12:16 A6-EBA [B773] Emirates Airline UAE27 DXB-->GLA 36,000 20,700 297 12:06->12:12
29/06/2016: 11:32->12:15 G-GLEG E35L London Executive Aviation KRH42R 27,300 2,075 260 12:10->12:15
29/06/2016: 12:12->12:12 G-NEAU [EC35] National Police Air Service 24,975 1,800 - 12:12->12:12
29/06/2016: 11:44->12:11 G-JECM [DH8D] Flybe BEE4EW BHX-->INV 16,975 24,000 -
29/06/2016: 12:03->12:09 ZF264 [TUCA] Royal Air Force LOP15 (UK Military) 1,475 2,975 - 12:03->12:09
29/06/2016: 11:47->12:09 G-EZFA [A319] easyJet Airline EZY96VA PMI-->NCL 28,000 1,825 245 12:05->12:09
29/06/2016: 12:08->12:08 G-SASH [EXPL] Yorkshire Air Ambulance 1,300 1,300 - 12:08->12:08
29/06/2016: 11:43->12:07 G-NIAA BE20 Northern Ireland Air Ambulance CWY999B 3,175 9,000 168 11:53->12:07
29/06/2016: 11:42->12:06 XX258 [HAWK] Royal Air Force AGGSOR02 (UK Military) 3,800 26,900 002 11:45->11:49
29/06/2016: 11:36->12:03 07-7176 [C17] United States Air Force RCH496 (US Military Supply) 30,000 32,000 316 11:52->11:55
29/06/2016: 11:39->12:01 G-EUPL [A319] British Airways SHT13H NCL-->LHR 2,925 26,925 156 11:39->11:45
29/06/2016: 11:58->11:59 G-BYVJ [G115] Ministry of Defence UAX89 (Linton UAS Flt) 3,400 3,400 - 11:58->11:59
29/06/2016: 11:50->11:57 ZD744 [TOR] Royal Air Force JL22 (UK Military) 23,100 23,050 347 11:51->11:53
29/06/2016: 11:26->11:53 G-RJXJ [E135] bmi regional BMR1133 NCL-->SVG 4,725 37,000 079 11:26->11:26
29/06/2016: 11:41->11:53 ZA463 [TOR] Royal Air Force JL21 (UK Military) 23,150 5,525 339 11:49->11:53
29/06/2016: 10:44->11:52 ZF343 [TUCA] Royal Air Force LOP32 (UK Military) 7,750 2,950 - 11:21->11:52
29/06/2016: 11:28->11:49 PH-BGK [B737] KLM Royal Dutch Airlines KLM28X NCL-->AMS 3,150 33,000 119 11:28->11:36
29/06/2016: 11:22->11:46 A6-EBE [B773] Emirates Airline UAE35 DXB-->NCL 34,000 1,900 245 11:42->11:46
29/06/2016: 11:19->11:45 G-EZDK [A319] easyJet Airline EZY17RC GLA-->SXF 26,850 37,025 140 11:27->11:32
29/06/2016: 11:31->11:45 EI-EBC [B738] Ryanair RYR36WP NCL-->DUB 2,875 28,000 202 11:32->11:37
29/06/2016: 11:26->11:44 G-FRAH [FA20] Cobham Aviation Services ZODIAC52 (FR Aviation) 2,050 23,450 011 11:29->11:33
29/06/2016: 11:24->11:42 D-AGWK [A319] Germanwings GWI8KP CGN-->EDI 33,975 21,225 302 11:32->11:38
29/06/2016: 11:39->11:42 G-KLNR [BE40] Saxonair Charter Ltd SXN40C (Corporate Flight) 3,800 1,850 061 11:39->11:42
29/06/2016: 11:20->11:41 G-FRAR [FA20] Cobham Aviation Services ZODIAC51 (FR Aviation) 2,225 26,000 354 11:22->11:27
29/06/2016: 11:35->11:41 ZF289 [TUCA] Royal Air Force LOP07 (UK Military) 5,575 5,475 122 11:35->11:41
29/06/2016: 11:18->11:38 D-AIRH [A321] Lufthansa DLH8KX FRA-->EDI 36,000 18,300 315 11:27->11:33
29/06/2016: 11:08->11:36 G-MAJC [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE1NB NCL-->BHX 1,475 16,725 182 11:08->11:08
29/06/2016: 09:42->11:36 G-FRAL [FA20] Cobham Aviation Services TASMAN (FR Aviation) 1,875 40,000 127 09:42->11:36
29/06/2016: 11:10->11:32 PH-EZN [E190] KLM cityhopper KLM40Z ABZ-->AMS 35,925 34,525 242
29/06/2016: 11:04->11:32 TF-ISJ [B752] Icelandair ICE506 KEF-->AMS 39,000 38,375 121 11:11->11:17
29/06/2016: 11:08->11:30 TF-ISN [B763] Icelandair ICE520 KEF-->FRA 37,000 37,000 135 11:15->11:20
29/06/2016: 11:03->11:25 D-ACNQ [CRJ9] Eurowings EWG6N DUS-->NCL 26,800 1,975 218 11:22->11:25
29/06/2016: 10:59->11:25 G-MAJH [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE103 QCY-->ABZ 17,975 18,000 018 11:14->11:19
29/06/2016: 10:59->11:23 C-GTSF [A310] Air Transat TSC152 YUL-->BRU 35,000 35,000 113 11:04->11:10
29/06/2016: 10:48->11:23 EI-FOI [B738] Ryanair RYR42AA ALC-->NCL 28,000 1,800 245 11:19->11:23
29/06/2016: 11:01->11:21 F-HLRB DA62 Private FHLRB 9,000 1,750 229 11:15->11:21
29/06/2016: 10:51->11:20 G-MAJJ [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE12W HUY-->ABZ 9,800 18,000 352 11:05->11:13
29/06/2016: 11:00->11:20 G-FDZY [B738] Thomson Airways TOM92E SZG-->NCL 29,325 1,800 245 11:17->11:20
29/06/2016: 10:54->11:17 TF-FIA [B752] Icelandair ICE500 KEF-->AMS 37,000 37,000 135 11:01->11:07
29/06/2016: 10:55->11:14 EI-RJR [RJ85] CityJet AFR1058 CDG-->NCL 28,000 1,800 247 11:10->11:14
29/06/2016: 10:49->11:13 G-NEAU [EC35] National Police Air Service 2,800 1,800 - 10:49->11:13
29/06/2016: 11:01->11:10 G-CELY [B733] Jet2 EXS61J EDI-->NCL 9,250 1,850 246 11:05->11:10
29/06/2016: 11:10->11:09 G-BYWA [G115] Ministry of Defence UAX73 (Linton UAS Flt) 4,300 4,100 075 11:10->11:09
29/06/2016: 10:45->11:08 G-GDFZ [B738] Jet2 EXS5PD NCL-->LCA 3,450 35,000 118 10:46->10:53
29/06/2016: 10:41->11:05 TF-ISZ [B752] Icelandair ICE568 KEF-->ZCH 37,000 37,000 117 10:50->10:56
29/06/2016: 10:45->11:05 EC-LTM [B738] Jet2 EXS183 GLA-->ZTH 27,200 35,000 146 10:50->10:56
29/06/2016: 10:37->10:58 TF-FIW [B752] Icelandair ICE532 KEF-->MUC 37,050 37,050 146 10:44->10:50
29/06/2016: 10:52->10:57 G-OECM [AC11] Private 4,300 6,000 340 10:52->10:53
29/06/2016: 10:33->10:54 G-GDFD [B738] Jet2 EXS797 EDI-->PFO 22,475 35,000 145 10:42->10:48
29/06/2016: 10:30->10:53 G-GDFT [B733] Jet2 EXS719 EDI-->EFL 24,375 33,000 117 10:34->10:40
29/06/2016: 10:25->10:49 EI-EBC [B738] Ryanair RYR20FC DUB-->NCL 27,000 1,900 246 10:44->10:49
29/06/2016: 10:26->10:49 98-0054 [C17] United States Air Force RCH1815 (US Military Supply) 34,000 34,000 308 10:40->10:42
29/06/2016: 10:24->10:45 G-EUPL [A319] British Airways SHT12H LHR-->NCL 28,000 1,800 245 10:40->10:45
29/06/2016: 10:12->10:43 G-FLBE [DH8D] Flybe BEE89UF LCY-->ABZ 23,975 22,775 351 10:28->10:33
29/06/2016: 10:28->10:43 G-MAJB [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE62L MME-->ABZ 2,225 16,000 355 10:36->10:39
29/06/2016: 10:15->10:42 PH-KZK [F70] KLM cityhopper KLM26W MME-->AMS 2,000 26,575 112 10:15->10:19
29/06/2016: 10:13->10:39 G-PRPL [DH8D] Flybe BEE52PG LCY-->EDI 23,975 23,975 -
29/06/2016: 10:35->10:37 G-BYWA [G115] Ministry of Defence 4,300 4,900 - 10:35->10:37
29/06/2016: 10:06->10:33 A6-EYQ [A332] Etihad Airways ETD81P EDI-->AUH 22,975 37,000 115 10:12->10:18
29/06/2016: 10:04->10:33 G-ECOD [DH8D] Flybe BEE7JC AMS-->MAN 24,000 7,975 -
29/06/2016: 10:25->10:33 G-MAJA [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE82G NCL-->ABZ 4,050 13,250 261 10:25->10:25
29/06/2016: 09:58->10:29 G-GDFY [B738] Jet2 EXS141 GLA-->LCA 26,850 35,000 120 10:03->10:08
29/06/2016: 10:28->10:29 G-NEAU [EC35] National Police Air Service 1,600 1,600 - 10:28->10:29
29/06/2016: 10:00->10:29 ZF144 [TUCA] Royal Air Force LOP07 (UK Military) 5,200 5,175 297 10:00->10:29
29/06/2016: 09:52->10:27 EC-MIO A333 WOW Air WOW442 KEF-->AMS 40,000 25,175 103 09:59->10:05
29/06/2016: 10:10->10:25 D-CLAM [E55P] Liebherr Aerospace GmbH LHB1 850 34,450 247 10:11->10:13
29/06/2016: 10:04->10:24 G-BYYA [G115] Ministry of Defence UAQ21 (Leeming UAS Flt) 2,400 2,400 - 10:04->10:24
29/06/2016: 10:06->10:24 G-RJXJ [E135] bmi regional BMR1102 BRU-->NCL 26,000 1,900 029 10:21->10:24
29/06/2016: 10:14->10:23 G-NIAA BE20 Northern Ireland Air Ambulance CWY999A 9,675 1,925 079 10:20->10:23
29/06/2016: 09:52->10:20 G-EZWS [A320] easyJet Airline EZY71NZ NCL-->ALC 4,500 35,950 155 09:52->09:57
29/06/2016: 09:43->10:19 TF-SIS [A320] WOW Air WOW760 KEF-->FRA 36,975 37,000 113 09:52->09:58
29/06/2016: 10:11->10:19 G-MAJC [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE31F ABZ-->NCL 11,000 2,050 200 10:14->10:19
29/06/2016: 09:52->10:16 PH-BGF [B737] KLM Royal Dutch Airlines KLM1472 GLA-->AMS 28,600 31,000 128 09:59->10:04
29/06/2016: 09:40->10:15 PH-BGK [B737] KLM Royal Dutch Airlines KL21S AMS-->NCL 37,975 1,825 244 10:10->10:15
29/06/2016: 09:46->10:11 G-CELZ [B733] Jet2 EXS829 EDI-->PUY 23,175 33,000 117 09:52->09:58
29/06/2016: 09:33->10:11 N177SA [C77R] Southern Aircraft Consultancy N177SA (Fixed c/s) 3,100 6,000 157 09:34->09:37
29/06/2016: 09:53->10:08 G-PLEE [C182] Private GPLEE (Fixed c/s) 900 700 - 09:53->10:08
29/06/2016: 09:37->10:08 G-EZUK [A320] easyJet Airline EZY83UE EDI-->SXF 22,000 36,975 092 09:43->09:48
29/06/2016: 10:02->10:08 G-OOBB [B752] Thomson Airways TOM3HP NCL-->IBZ 14,350 25,500 107
29/06/2016: 09:46->10:04 D-BMAD [J328] British Airways SUS46U MAN-->BLL 13,950 31,000 070 09:58->09:59
29/06/2016: 09:29->09:59 G-GDFS [B738] Jet2 EXS721 EDI-->LCA 23,775 35,000 118 09:34->09:40
29/06/2016: 09:11->09:59 ZF338 [TUCA] Royal Air Force LOP20 (UK Military) 5,025 5,550 287 09:11->09:33
29/06/2016: 08:54->09:54 ZF240 [TUCA] Royal Air Force VQUISH1 (UK Military) 4,975 3,575 098 08:55->09:54
29/06/2016: 09:21->09:51 LN-RRS [B738] Scandinavian Airlines System SAS7449 SVG-->LPA 35,975 37,000 199 09:36->09:42
29/06/2016: 09:21->09:49 PH-EXH [E175] KLM cityhopper KLM929 AMS-->INV 36,000 34,925 330 09:35->09:41
29/06/2016: 09:39->09:48 PH-BGW [B737] KLM Royal Dutch Airlines KLM954 NCL-->AMS 5,075 31,025 141 09:39->09:48
29/06/2016: 09:14->09:47 PH-BXY [B738] KLM Royal Dutch Airlines KLM1279 AMS-->EDI 35,775 21,525 293 09:38->09:44
29/06/2016: 09:25->09:46 A7-BCS [B788] Qatar Airways QTR032 EDI-->DOH 23,050 37,000 115 09:30->09:35
29/06/2016: 09:14->09:45 G-JZHC [B738] Jet2 2,925 35,000 114 09:15->09:22
29/06/2016: 09:31->09:42 G-BYYA [G115] Ministry of Defence UAQ21 (Leeming UAS Flt) 3,200 4,200 - 09:31->09:42
29/06/2016: 09:13->09:42 OY-KFL [CRJ9] Scandinavian Airlines System SAS235P CPH-->MAN 36,025 14,975 191 09:32->09:35
29/06/2016: 09:10->09:41 OY-VKI [A333] Thomas Cook Airlines Scandinavia VKG847 OSL-->LPA 38,000 39,000 204 09:23->09:29
29/06/2016: 09:10->09:39 G-FLBD [DH8D] Flybe BEE4AM SOU-->EDI 24,000 20,300 -
29/06/2016: 09:10->09:33 G-TTOE [A320] British Airways SHT13E NCL-->LHR 3,825 24,150 149 09:10->09:15
29/06/2016: 09:12->09:32 N990LC [LJ35] Aero Jet Aviation I Inc 37,000 37,000 158 09:20->09:25
29/06/2016: 09:10->09:32 G-MAJA [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE82F CWL-->NCL 19,975 2,050 021 09:28->09:32
29/06/2016: 09:11->09:32 D-CLAM [E55P] Liebherr Aerospace GmbH LHB1 40,000 1,550 246 09:27->09:32
29/06/2016: 09:07->09:23 PH-KZK [F70] KLM cityhopper KLM1533 AMS-->MME 24,600 1,625 227 09:19->09:23
29/06/2016: 08:57->09:21 G-MAJJ [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE11W ABZ-->HUY 15,000 7,575 -
29/06/2016: 08:50->09:20 G-FLBB [DH8D] Flybe BEE81WA NCL-->SOU 3,350 23,025 - 08:56->08:56
29/06/2016: 09:12->09:19 ZF139 [TUCA] Royal Air Force (UK Military) 4,650 7,500 - 09:12->09:13
29/06/2016: 08:57->09:17 G-CELV [B733] Jet2 EXS594 ZTH-->NCL 3,125 33,000 146 08:57->09:09
29/06/2016: 08:51->09:16 OY-KFM [CRJ9] Scandinavian Airlines System SAS2533 CPH-->BHX 38,000 18,100 190 09:00->09:03
29/06/2016: 09:07->09:16 ZF289 [TUCA] Royal Air Force LOP07 (UK Military) 5,475 5,450 - 09:07->09:16
29/06/2016: 09:05->09:09 G-BYYA [G115] Ministry of Defence UAQ21 (Leeming UAS Flt) 4,000 3,200 - 09:05->09:09
29/06/2016: 09:08->09:09 G-ETKT R44 Mcclaren Construction Ltd GETKT (Fixed c/s) 1,900 1,900 - 09:08->09:09
29/06/2016: 08:45->09:07 G-GLEG E35L London Executive Aviation KRH42 32,000 27,500 360 08:57->09:00
29/06/2016: 08:44->09:02 G-MAJB [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE61L ABZ-->MME 17,000 14,975 - 08:58->09:01
29/06/2016: 08:53->09:00 G-EZWS [A320] easyJet Airline EZY98FR BFS-->NCL 5,750 1,750 246 08:55->09:00
29/06/2016: 08:33->08:50 PH-BGD [B737] KLM Royal Dutch Airlines KLM1278 EDI-->AMS 27,050 38,725 141 08:40->08:46
29/06/2016: 08:24->08:45 G-FRAH [FA20] Cobham Aviation Services FRA72 (FR Aviation) 23,000 1,650 - 08:35->08:45
29/06/2016: 08:24->08:42 C-FGDZ [B789] Air Canada ACA844 YYC-->FRA 39,000 38,975 145 08:29->08:35
29/06/2016: 08:35->08:41 EI-FCZ [AT76] Aer Lingus Regional STK1NC NCL-->DUB 2,850 11,050 253 08:35->08:38
29/06/2016: 08:23->08:41 PH-BGW [B737] KLM Royal Dutch Airlines KLM953 AMS-->NCL 26,750 1,750 247 08:36->08:41
29/06/2016: 08:19->08:32 G-FDZX [B738] Thomson Airways TOM5BC NCL-->VRN 5,875 32,650 127 08:19->08:25
29/06/2016: 08:16->08:29 EC-LTG [B734] AlbaStar BCY9386 GLA-->OMO 30,050 32,975 145 08:21->08:26
29/06/2016: 08:11->08:28 LY-VEN [A320] Thomas Cook Airlines TCX78VE NCL-->FUE 3,325 26,775 198 08:13->08:20
29/06/2016: 08:01->08:22 G-EUYE [A320] British Airways SHT18Z LHR-->ABZ 24,000 24,000 352 08:10->08:16
29/06/2016: 07:52->08:21 OY-NDP C25A Backbone A/S BOB129 31,825 1,850 - 08:13->08:21
29/06/2016: 08:19->08:21 G-SGRP A109 WA Developments Intl Ltd GSGRP (Fixed c/s) 2,275 2,250 - 08:19->08:21
29/06/2016: 07:47->08:18 G-TTOE [A320] British Airways SHT12J LHR-->NCL 28,000 1,850 245 08:10->08:18
29/06/2016: 07:56->08:16 G-GDFE [B733] Jet2 EXS7V NCL-->PMI 4,350 33,000 158 07:56->08:00
29/06/2016: 07:47->08:08 G-EZUK [A320] easyJet Airline EZY43RD SXF-->EDI 38,000 18,125 299 07:57->08:02
29/06/2016: 07:42->08:07 G-FLBB [DH8D] Flybe BEE9DL SOU-->NCL 24,000 1,825 - 08:03->08:07
29/06/2016: 07:45->08:04 EI-EFY [B738] Ryanair RYR19CX EDI-->BTS 24,275 37,000 121 07:49->07:55
29/06/2016: 07:34->08:03 G-JECP [DH8D] Flybe BEE3CT MAN-->ABZ 10,475 24,000 357 07:50->07:55
29/06/2016: 07:57->08:01 EI-FCZ [AT76] Aer Lingus Regional STK35NC DUB-->NCL 4,725 1,875 246 07:57->08:01
29/06/2016: 07:38->07:59 G-BZOG [D328] Loganair LOG35BC NWI-->EDI 26,000 22,000 - 07:49->07:55
29/06/2016: 07:52->07:57 G-ETKT R44 Mcclaren Construction Ltd GETKT 3,400 1,300 - 07:52->07:57
29/06/2016: 07:32->07:51 G-CELO [B733] Jet2 EXS53VB EDI-->VCE 25,350 33,000 113 07:36->07:41
29/06/2016: 07:31->07:47 G-EZAJ [A319] easyJet Airline EZY89FZ NCL-->AGP 3,100 31,050 227 07:31->07:36
29/06/2016: 07:26->07:45 G-MAJW [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE25Z EMA-->ABZ 17,975 2,050 - 07:41->07:45
29/06/2016: 07:20->07:44 G-RJXL [E135] bmi regional 34,775 22,375 - 07:26->07:30
29/06/2016: 07:21->07:42 G-CDEA [SB20] Eastern Airways EZE72H NWI-->ABZ 28,000 28,000 - 07:26->07:30
29/06/2016: 07:15->07:38 G-JECX [DH8D] Flybe BEE76PN ABZ-->MAN 23,000 16,075 - 07:26->07:30
29/06/2016: 07:16->07:36 G-EZAC [A319] easyJet Airline EZY51TL EDI-->NAP 24,425 34,975 123 07:21->07:26
29/06/2016: 07:07->07:27 G-EZFZ [A319] easyJet Airline EZY6939 EDI-->KRK 22,350 35,025 122 07:11->07:17
29/06/2016: 07:12->07:27 G-GDFH [B733] Jet2 EXS569 NCL-->DBV 4,300 33,000 118 07:12->07:19
29/06/2016: 07:03->07:26 G-MAJY [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE21LK LBA-->ABZ 9,575 18,025 008 07:16->07:21
29/06/2016: 06:55->07:24 G-MAJJ [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE10W HUY-->ABZ 9,425 18,025 - 07:12->07:15
29/06/2016: 06:59->07:22 EI-RJT [RJ85] CityJet 4,975 29,675 184 06:59->07:04
29/06/2016: 07:10->07:17 G-TCDE [A321] Thomas Cook Airlines TCX96PX NCL-->LCA 5,100 24,425 131 07:10->07:16
29/06/2016: 07:00->07:16 G-MAJA [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE14R NCL-->CWL 3,025 19,025 203 07:08->07:08
29/06/2016: 06:35->07:11 G-FPLD [BE20] Thales UK Ltd 33,000 1,600 358 07:07->07:11
29/06/2016: 06:54->07:11 G-MAJB [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE60L MME-->ABZ 1,975 15,975 359 06:59->07:07
29/06/2016: 07:04->07:11 G-EZWS [A320] easyJet Airline EZY68EP NCL-->BFS 2,775 18,000 268 07:04->07:07
29/06/2016: 06:55->07:10 G-JZHH [B738] Jet2 EXS52KX NCL-->ALC 3,025 33,400 188 06:55->07:00
29/06/2016: 06:45->07:09 PH-BGD [B737] KLM Royal Dutch Airlines KLM1277 AMS-->EDI 40,000 21,425 301 06:58->07:04
29/06/2016: 06:44->07:05 G-TCDF [A321] Thomas Cook Airlines TCX64WH NCL-->PMI 2,775 33,000 159 06:47->06:52
29/06/2016: 06:39->07:05 G-EZON [A320] easyJet Airline EZY6951 EDI-->DBV 22,825 37,000 111 06:44->06:50
29/06/2016: 06:45->07:03 EI-EBN [B738] Ryanair RYR6681 EDI-->CIA 23,275 37,000 120 06:50->06:55
29/06/2016: 06:41->07:01 G-FDZT [B738] Thomson Airways TOM20K NCL-->MAH 3,225 35,000 162 06:41->06:46
29/06/2016: 06:39->07:00 G-RJXJ [E135] bmi regional BMR1101 NCL-->BRU 3,900 33,000 123 06:39->06:44
29/06/2016: 06:35->06:54 PH-KZA [F70] KLM cityhopper KLM16X MME-->AMS 1,925 29,000 115 06:35->06:37
29/06/2016: 06:33->06:53 PH-BXB [B738] KLM Royal Dutch Airlines KLM40M GLA-->AMS 28,400 35,000 118 06:39->06:45
29/06/2016: 06:45->06:52 EI-FXD [AT43] FedEx Feeder 500 12,100 - 06:45->06:45
29/06/2016: 06:24->06:44 G-FDZY [B738] Thomson Airways TOM13P NCL-->SZG 3,175 37,000 119 06:24->06:31
29/06/2016: 06:23->06:42 PH-BXF [B738] KLM Royal Dutch Airlines KLM1276 EDI-->AMS 22,050 35,000 118 06:27->06:31
29/06/2016: 06:20->06:41 G-OOBC [B752] Thomson Airways TOM93K GLA-->VRN 27,475 37,000 122 06:27->06:33
29/06/2016: 06:17->06:40 G-EZFA [A319] easyJet Airline EZY15WB NCL-->PMI 2,650 37,000 158 06:18->06:23
29/06/2016: 06:14->06:39 OO-DWB [RJ1H] Brussels Airlines BEL99H EDI-->BRU 19,650 31,000 122 06:19->06:26
29/06/2016: 06:06->06:30 G-EUYI [A320] British Airways SHT13C NCL-->LHR 4,650 25,000 153 06:06->06:10
29/06/2016: 06:11->06:28 PH-BGK [B737] KLM Royal Dutch Airlines KLM952 NCL-->AMS 2,875 33,000 125 06:11->06:19
29/06/2016: 05:50->06:19 PH-AKA [A333] KLM Royal Dutch Airlines KLM678 YYC-->AMS 37,000 33,700 120 05:57->06:01
29/06/2016: 05:42->06:11 A7-BCS [B788] Qatar Airways QTR031 DOH-->EDI 40,000 19,250 301 06:01->06:06
29/06/2016: 05:25->05:49 EI-FXD [AT43] FedEx Feeder ABR2CL CDG-->NCL-->GLA 18,000 2,800 030 05:49->05:49
29/06/2016: 04:54->05:17 G-RNJP [CL65] TAG Aviation (UK) Ltd GRNJP (Fixed c/s) 35,125 1,850 246 05:11->05:17
29/06/2016: 03:58->04:12 G-TCDD [A321] Thomas Cook Airlines TCX3883 AYT-->GLA 36,000 25,225 289 04:04->04:08
29/06/2016: 03:26->04:11 G-FPLD [BE20] Thales UK Ltd 3,900 33,200 340 03:35->03:39
29/06/2016: 03:29->03:52 G-TCDE [A321] Thomas Cook Airlines TCX6507 DLM-->NCL 36,025 1,650 246 03:47->03:52
29/06/2016: 03:27->03:30 G-CEGP [BE20] IAS Medical Ltd MDI01 3,800 1,800 077 03:28->03:30
29/06/2016: 02:44->03:03 G-FDZT [B738] Thomson Airways TOM53B TFS-->NCL 24,525 1,750 244 02:59->03:03
29/06/2016: 01:58->02:32 SE-LPR [ATP] West Atlantic SWN028A EMA-->ABZ 14,325 18,000 350 02:28->02:32
29/06/2016: 01:54->02:21 G-TCDO [A321] Thomas Cook Airlines TCX3715 DLM-->GLA 34,025 19,700 303 02:10->02:16
29/06/2016: 01:49->02:15 SE-MAN ATP West Atlantic SWN007W STN-->NCL 18,000 1,800 - 02:09->02:15
29/06/2016: 01:24->02:08 G-FPLD [BE20] Thales UK Ltd 33,000 1,800 187 02:05->02:08
29/06/2016: 01:44->02:07 G-JZHC [B738] Jet2 EXS518H TFS-->NCL 36,025 1,525 244 02:01->02:07
29/06/2016: 01:28->02:05 G-OOBC [B752] Thomson Airways TOM86B HER-->GLA 38,000 24,025 291 01:55->01:59
29/06/2016: 01:38->02:03 G-EZAJ [A319] easyJet Airline EZY36EF NCE-->NCL 37,975 1,700 246 01:59->02:03
29/06/2016: 01:38->01:59 G-FDZJ [B738] Thomson Airways TOM549 AYT-->EDI 38,000 16,075 311 01:51->01:55
29/06/2016: 01:38->01:58 G-GDFE [B733] Jet2 EXS014X EMA-->NCL 24,000 1,775 245 01:53->01:58
29/06/2016: 01:17->01:47 G-GDFF [B738] Jet2 EXS194 HER-->GLA 36,000 20,425 299 01:34->01:41
29/06/2016: 01:19->01:40 G-JZHH [B738] Jet2 EXS542 LPA-->NCL 37,975 1,800 245 01:37->01:40
29/06/2016: 00:44->01:16 G-EZFA [A319] easyJet Airline EZY15FA MLA-->NCL 38,000 1,725 245 01:12->01:16
29/06/2016: 00:49->01:13 G-EZUN [A320] easyJet Airline EZY82VJ KGS-->GLA 35,975 19,800 295 01:01->01:07
29/06/2016: 00:43->01:06 G-TCDJ [A321] Thomas Cook Airlines TCX86NV HER-->GLA 36,000 21,400 294 00:55->01:01
29/06/2016: 00:41->01:03 G-FDZX [B738] Thomson Airways TOM1KL HER-->NCL 37,975 1,750 246 00:59->01:03
29/06/2016: 00:19->00:58 12-5760 C30J United States Air Force STRIX13 (US Military) 4,975 1,500 290 00:19->00:58
29/06/2016: 00:14->00:36 G-EZUF [A320] easyJet Airline EZY96VP HER-->EDI 38,025 13,625 305 00:28->00:29
29/06/2016: 00:13->00:31 G-GDFE [B733] Jet2 EXS014W NCL-->EMA 3,425 12,125 178 00:13->00:19
29/06/2016: 00:06->00:26 G-EZAI [A319] easyJet Airline EZY569 NCL-->BRS 2,850 26,975 204 00:09->00:14
28/06/2016: 23:44->00:18 SE-MAM [ATP] West Atlantic SWN006L NCL-->STN 3,250 17,000 154 23:47->23:50

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